Museum of Dogs
A Romp Through Art History for Dog People
Saturday May 10, 3pm, Powells City of Books in downtown Portland, in conversation with the amazing Laura Glazer!
Wednesday May 14, 6:30pm at P&T Knitwear, NYC, in conversation with the incredible Winnie Au!
Saturday, May 31, 6pm at Cloud and Leaf Bookstore in Manzanita, OR
Museum of Dogs is a collection of the sweetest, wackiest, and most wonderful dog art and artifacts. It proves that humans have had a special relationship with canines for as long as they’ve been making art.
A tiny Japanese netsuke puppy
Netsuke of Dog on a Stand, 19th century, Red lacquer, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
“Musette, a Maltese Dog,” in porcelain
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, n.d., Two Dogs, Pen and ink on paper, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Rustic figurine carved in ancient Greece
Statuette of a Hound Gnawing a Bone, Greek, 3rd–2nd century BC, Bronze
Porcelain pooch from 19th-century Russia
Bolognese Terrier, Russian, 1811–50, Hard-paste porcelain, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Charles E. Sampson Memorial Fund
Beadwork glasses case from Mexico
Spectacle Case, late 19th century, Glass beads, linen, leather, and metal, Gift of the Brooklyn Museum, 2009
What Some Wonderful Dog People Are Saying…
“If I was a dog, I’d love to be in this book.”
Artist, Photographer, Filmmaker, Weimaraner Collaborator, Dog Dad to Flo
"Dog nerds unite! Museum of Dogs gives us the fun facts we crave to hear about our little four legged friends."
Founder of Megababe, Author of Body Talk, Questionable at-Home Dog Groomer of/Mom to Moogli & Baby Ruth
"This is a museum of my dreams! Such a wonderful curation of dog artifacts and perfect for any dog and art lover!"
Artist, Illustrator, Author of Dog Therapy, and Dog Mom to Frankie
“I want to own all of these gorgeous dog artifacts…but since I can’t have them, this book is the next best thing.”
Cartoonist, Writer, Illustrator and Dog Mom to Mr. Pickles, Bean, and Zander
“This brilliant book is a must-have for anyone who loves dogs, or art, or both!”
Artist, Illustrator, Author, and Dog Mom to Milkshake
Museum of Dogs Reviews Over at Goodreads!
“Some art books are large, ponderous tomes, serious in tone and heavily footnoted. This title is not one of those. Recommended for dog lovers and people who like quirky art books.” — Pam, Goodreads
“Every piece of art that the author chose to include in this assemblage is remarkable in and of its own right!” — Rebekah, Goodreads
“What a fun little ride through history! The fun little descriptions, the great photos, the ART! It was such a fun read, I want to go through it again and again!” — Kailee, Goodreads
You're Guaranteed To Make 100 New Dog Friends!
Sidney Hall, 1825, Canis Major, Illustration in Urania’s Mirror, pl. 30., Print on layered paper board: etching, hand-colored, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
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Édouard Manet, ca. 1875, Tama, the Japanese Dog, Oil on canvas, 61 × 50 cm, National Gallery of Art,
Washington, D.C. -
Learn Wild Facts You Can Share at Any Social Gathering!
Z. S. Lupus Dog (Mantel Ornament), ca. 1938, Watercolor and graphite on paperboard, 28.5 × 21.6 cm, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
“Stanley and I worked side by side on this book for many months, and we are so excited to show you all of the incredible new dog friends we made!”
-Jessica Poundstone
Here’s a picture of Stanley & Jessica: They are equally likely to jump for a good snack. Photo by Christopher Dibble.
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